Cool Design Do Make A Difference

After reading Angel Hou’s blog Cool Design Do Make A Difference , I was amazed by the beauty of those buildings and stores. In fact the design of a particular building does have strong effect on its customers. From my personal opinion, I would like to see a Nike store reflects its strong dedication on athleticism. So when people see the store they know this is Nike and they know this is a sport store.

Also, all the people around the world have curiosity. So whenever we see something strange, something beautiful, or something weird, we would love to take a look. Therefore, if the design of a store is outstanding, it can attract customers who are not interested in the product, or customers who have never heard of the brand before. A store with beautiful design also triggers purchasing desires. As we learn in marketing class, a strong store atmosphere does increase sales. As I mentioned before, the design of a store also tells the customer what kind of products they are selling. The apple store in NYC 5th avenue is a great example.

When people see that store, they immediately know this store sells high tech products. And the huge trade mark on the wall also tells the customers which brand they are choosing. The Apply store on NYC 5th avenue, also reflect a company’s strength compares to companies. Because people expect strong companies to have fancy stores, and Apple does exactly that. That Apples store already told customers a lot of information before they even get into the store. As a result, a beautiful design for a store does matter, and does make a difference.

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