At Home/Chez Soi Project Receives Award
Oct 11th, 2013 by BK
The College of Health Disciplines at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has awarded the 2013 BC Health Association Legacy Award to Jim Frankish (UBC Professor) and Greg Richmond (RainCity and Housing Support Society) for their commitment and leadership on the At Home/Chez Soi project. At Home provides housing, and health and social supports to persons with significant mental illness and addiction.
Jim and Greg are named on the award as nominated by Catherine Hume from the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and Dr. Kerry Jang from the City of Vancouver. Greg and Jim wish to highlight that this award is first to the At Home participants, and next to the service providers, policy makers, funders, health professionals, students and researchers who comprise the At Home Team. The $500 award will be used to support the ongoing work of the peer-led, At Home Speakers Bureau.
Nominations were solicited for this award of an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to the development of health policy, health leadership or healthcare governance. The winner of this award may be a student or faculty/staff member at UBC, or an individual or group who is independent of UBC.
For a list of selected publications from the At Home project, please visit our Centre’s At Home page.