Final Project

For the final project I worked in a group with Connor Wolff and Camille Portier. Under Prof. Klinkenberg’s guidance we worked with Vivian Miao of the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) to produce predictive maps for the presence of Amanita phalloides in Southwest British Columbia, with particular focus on Vancouver. Amanita phalloides, or the Death Cap mushroom, is responsible for 90% of mushroom related deaths worldwide as it is highly toxic. For the larger area analysis, Maxent was used. For the Vancouver based predictions, Multi-Criteria Evaluations (MCEs) were conducted with a variety of demographic factors and proximity factors. An interactive map was also created on ArcGIS online to exemplify how future sitings can be recorded into an online database that can be viewed at any scale and with numerous other factors overlaid, such as host tree age and school zones.

As the data presented in our final website is sensitive information, the link to the website is private. For further information please contact me!