Gibson Team

Welcome PhD student, Natasha Haskey!

natasha-1Natasha Haskey is a Registered Dietitian who received both her undergraduate and Master’s degree from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Pharmacy & Nutrition in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It was through her Masters work, she developed an expertise in the field of gastrointestinal nutrition, specifically in the areas of probiotics and prebiotics. Natasha is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy & Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan and maintains a clinical nutrition practice focusing on digestive health. In January 2017, she started a PhD at UBC – Okanagan with Dr. Deanna Gibson focusing on diet, inflammatory bowel disease and the microbiome.

Natasha is passionate about translating emerging scientific information into practical recommendations for clinicians that are easy to understand and easy to follow. She has shared her expertise at many conferences both nationally and internationally.

Natasha is awarded a 2 year PhD fellowship from the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology!

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