Gibson Team

Check out the new Biocodex article published with Dr. Gibson! 

Gibson Team

We are hosting a QIIME workshop!



Dr. Deanna Gibson (The Center for Microbiome and Inflammatory Disease Laboratory) is proud to be hosting an intensive two day QIIME workshop with QIIME master Dr. Antonio González Peña.

Dr. Antonio González Peña is an expert in Computational Biology currently working as a programmer analyst at UC San Diego. In total, Dr. Peña has over 13,788 citations and has an H-Index of 33. Not only is he a collaborator on the creation of QIIME, but also the full developer of the SitePainter and Evident softwares.

For more information, visit:

Gibson Team

Welcome, Dr. Douglas Morck!


Dr. Douglas Morck  is working with the Gibson Lab as a Visiting Professor.

Dr. Morck, BSc, DVM, PhD, is a Professor from the University of Calgary, who is here on a year-long sabbatical working in Dr. Deanna Gibson’s research lab. He has a number of appointments, which are:

  • Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science
  • Professor, Comparative Biology & Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • University Veterinarian and Head, Animal Health Unit, Vice President Research Office

While at UBC, Dr. Morck will be working in the Gibson Lab, participating in research on microbiota 16SrRNA gene amplification, sequencing and data management, conducting microbiome analyses, and participating in workshops and seminars.

Dr. Morck’s research interests are:

  • Veterinary Infectious Disease
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Inflammation
  • Immuno-modulation by Antibiotics
Gibson Team

Welcome PhD student, Natasha Haskey!

natasha-1Natasha Haskey is a Registered Dietitian who received both her undergraduate and Master’s degree from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Pharmacy & Nutrition in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It was through her Masters work, she developed an expertise in the field of gastrointestinal nutrition, specifically in the areas of probiotics and prebiotics. Natasha is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy & Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan and maintains a clinical nutrition practice focusing on digestive health. In January 2017, she started a PhD at UBC – Okanagan with Dr. Deanna Gibson focusing on diet, inflammatory bowel disease and the microbiome.

Natasha is passionate about translating emerging scientific information into practical recommendations for clinicians that are easy to understand and easy to follow. She has shared her expertise at many conferences both nationally and internationally.

Natasha is awarded a 2 year PhD fellowship from the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology!

Gibson Team

Gibson Lab featured on UBCOTV!

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We are featured on UBCOTV! Click this link to view the video: UBCO TV: Gibson Laboratory

Gibson Team

Gibson Lab featured on Five Thirty Eight!

It’s Gut Science Week at Five Thirty Eight and we are featured! Check out the link to learn about the entertaining poop science happening in our lab!Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 2.34.22 PM

Gibson Team

Read Dr. Gibson’s story on UBCO Our Stories!

UBCO’s Our Stories portal


Gibson Team

Happy birthday, Dr. Gibson!

It’s time to celebrate! Happy birthday to Dr. Deanna Gibson.


Your students

Gibson Team

Congratulations to our 2015 graduates!

Congratulations to Daniella DeCoffe (MSc), Nishat Tasnim (BSc Hon.), and Sandeep Gill (BSc Hon.) on their graduation! Here are some photos of their big day:


Gibson Team

Celebrating Kelowna’s first ever Gutsy Walk!

On Sunday, June 7th, 2015 we came together to walk in the first annual Gutsy Walk in Kelowna.

233,000 Canadians live with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. This fundraising effort will help stop the chronic pain and shame that comes with this disease. The event was about coming together for a common cause: to make the urgent bathroom visits, hospital stays and multiple surgeries stop.

We raised close to $23,000! This was made possible by the organizers from our lab, Bod, Nijiati, and Sandeep, along with volunteers and participants from our lab. Dr. Deanna Gibson walked with her family and spoke to participants about research at the Gibson Lab.

Here are some photos capturing the magic of the day:


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