
Newest publication on the benefits of a Mediterranean diet in patients with ulcerative colitis!

Congrats on Dr. Haskey’s most recent publication on her UC Mediterranean Study! Her findings show that a Mediterranean diet can be recommended to patients with ulcerative colitis, as it can help to improve the gut microbiome while in remission.

Read the paper here: 


Increasing representation of Non-European cohorts in microbiome research

A current project in the Gibson Lab is focusing on the microbiome in Indian populations. Unfortunately, non-European cohorts are very under-represented in gut microbiome research, which has led to a misconstrued understanding for what a healthy gut should like in under-represented groups. Check out this #FEMSmicroBlog where we discuss this issue in more detail!

#FEMSmicroBlog: A call to increase the representation of non-European cohorts in gut microbiome research



New Publication in Journal of Infectious Diseases!

Here is the newest publication from the Gibson lab. Read here:

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News updates from Gibson Lab

It’s been an exciting summer at the Gibson Lab with interviews, awards and publications. Here are some highlights:

  1. Have a look at our latest publications Prolonged antibiotic treatment induces a diabetogenic intestinal microbiome that accelerates diabetes in NOD mice and Methods for improving human gut microbiome data by reducing variability through sample processing and storage of stool
  2. Read this interview with Dr. Deanna Gibson on diet and IBD
  3. Congratulations to undergraduate student and Gibson lab member on receiving awards for best oral presentation for her project titled Impact of environmental microbes on the mammalian gut microbiota

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