Saturday’s edition of The Globe and Mail featured a very realistic and relatable article from Leah Eichler titled Playing the sex card to get ahead, discussing how both women and men (but mostly women) are enhancing their appearances to propel themselves farther up a company hierarchy. Eichler makes reference to the controversial book Honey Money: The Power of Erotic Capital by Catherine […]

The TV and film industry thrives off of corporate advertising and sponsorship; this simply occurs when TV shows and movies feature a certain company’s products through product placement. Some product placements are painfully obvious (when Bentley is featured in the film 2012 ), and some are very subtle and quite effective. However, does the average […]

I recently read quite an interesting article in about the well known athletic apparel company Under Armour, and how they designed very extravagant and unusual uniforms for the University of Maryland football team. Owner of Under Armour Apparel, Kevin Planks, is a former University of Maryland graduate who saw a vision to use the Maryland players as “human […]

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