The social networking website for mobile phones, Foursquare, has taken the simple concept of “checking in” to a venue, (coffee shop, mall, pub, arena, etc.) and communicated it to the world. By innovating this simple concept, Founder Denns Crowley has created a new method of mobile globalization, and has motivated users to travel and visit different locations. For example, if you visit a location, log into your Foursquare account on your smartphone, and write a small message or “tip” about the location. If you have visted the place more times than any other user in the past 60 days, you are declared the mayor! You may even earn a “badge” for going to certain places! How motivating!


          Foursquare hs organized the details  for countless businesses, shops, etc., and most of these businesses are actively engaged in the foursquare community, tracking how many people visit and liked/disliked their location, and even offering discounts for people that visist multiple times. By organizing and sharing this data, Foursquare opens up multiple streams of possible revenue, and during its short 2.5 year existence, the company has already recieved approximately $70 million in funding and is valued at $600 million, boasting over 10 million registered users.



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