

Johnston, C. and Pratt, G. 2019 Migration in Performance: Crossing the Colonial Present. London and NewYork:Routledge.



Pratt, G. and R.M. San Juan 2014 Film and Urban Space: Critical Possibilities. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.




Pratt, G. 2012 Families Apart: Migrant mothers and the conflicts of labor and love. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Book Review




Pratt, G. and V. Rosner (eds.) 2012 The Global and the Intimate: Feminism in Our Time. New York: Columbia University Press.




Gregory, D., Johnston, R., Pratt, G. and Watts, W. and Whatmore, S. (eds.), 2010 Dictionary of Human Geography, 5th Edition. Cambridge, Mass and Oxford: Blackwell


1754_regPratt G. 2004 Working Feminism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press and Philadelphia: Temple University Press




Hanson, S and Pratt, G. 1995 Gender, Work and Space. New York and London: Routledge





Book launch for Working Feminism at the Kalayaan Centre

Guest-Edited Journals

Angeles, L.C. and G. Pratt (eds.) 2017 Forum on Emotions, Empathy, Ethics and Engagement GeoHumanities 3:2

Pratt G. and V. Rosner (eds.) 2006 The Global & the Intimate. Guest-edited issue of Women’s Studies Quarterly (WSQ) Spring/Summer

Journal Articles, 2005- 

Pratt, G. and Johnston, C. 2022 “Dementia Care for Europeans in Thailand: A Geography of Futures” American Behavioral Scientist 66 (14):1880-1895.

Johnston, C. and Pratt, G. 2022 “Anticipating a Crisis: Creating a Market for Transnational Dementia Care in Thailand” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112(7):2064-2079.

Johnston, C. and Pratt, G. 2021 “Travelling Intimacies, translation and betrayal in a creative geography” Cultural Geographies 28(2): 417-428 DOI: 10.1177/1474474021993416

Oswin, N. and Pratt, G. 2021 “Critical Urban Theory in the ‘Urban Age’: Ruptures, Tensions and Critical Solidarities” International Journal of Urban and International Research 45(4):585-596

Katz, C. and Pratt, G. 2021 “Chatting about ‘Birthing Across Borders'” Dialogues in Human Geography 11(3): 385-390

Pratt G. and Johnston, C. 2021 “Dementia, Infrastructural Failure, and New Relations of Transnational Care in Thailand” Transactions of the IBG 46(3):526-539

Molinari, N. and Pratt, G. 2021 “Seniors’ Long-term Care in Canada: a continuum of soft to brutal privatisation” Antipode.

Banta, V. and Pratt, G. 2021, Surplused in Dubai: Filipino professionals as surplus entrepreneurs Geoforum 126, 471-482.

Pratt, G., Zell, S., Johnston, C. and H. Venzon 2020 Performing Nanay in Winnipeg: Filipino Labour Migration to Canada (Creative Intervention) Studies in Social Justice 14(1): 55-66.

Schwiter, K., Brütsch, J.,  Pratt, G. 2020 Sending Granny to Chiang-Mai: debating global outsourcing of care for the elderly. Global Networks.

Dempsey, J. and Pratt, G. 2019 Excess and the Outsides of Capitalism – A Conversation with Vinay Gidwani, Cindi Katz and Neferti Tadiar,

Johnson, K., Pratt, G., Johnston, C. 2019 Filipinos Settle in the Canadian North: Unsettling a Gendered Frontier Gender Place and Culture 26:5, 680-699.

Pratt, G. with Migrante BC 2018 “Organizing Domestic Workers in Vancouver Canada: gendered geographies and community mobilization” Political Power and Social Theory 35: 99-119.

Pratt, G. 2018 “One hand clapping: Notes towards a methodology for debating planetary urbanization” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36:3, 563-569.

Angeles, L.C. and Pratt, G. 2017 “Empathy and Entangled Engagements: Critical-Creative Methodologies in Transnational Spaces” GeoHumanities 3:2, 269-278.

Pratt, G. and Johnston, C. 2017 “Crossing Oceans: Testimonial Theatre, Filipina Migrant Labour, Empathy and Engagement GeoHumanities 3:2, 279-291.

Johnston, C. and Pratt, G. 2017 “Tlingipino Bingo, Settler Colonialism and Other Futures” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35:6, 971-993.

Pratt, G., Johnston, C. and Banta, V. 2017 “A Travelling Script: Labor Migration, Precarity, and Performance.” The Drama Review (TDR) 61:2, 48-70.

Pratt, G., Johnston, C. and Banta, V. 2017 “Lifetimes of Disposability and Surplus Entrepreneurs in Bagong Barrio, Manila” Antipode, 49:1, 169-192.

Pratt, G., Johnston, C. and Banta, V. 2017 Filipino Migrant Stories and Trauma in the Transnational FieldEmotion, Space and Society, 24, 83-92.

Pratt, G. 2015 “Between Colonialism and Settler Colonialism: Filipino Youths in Canada” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 36(3): 305-307.

Pratt, G. and Johnston, C. 2014 “Filipina Domestic Workers, Violent Insecurity, Testimonial Theatre and Transnational Ambivalence” Area, 46(4):358–360.

Pratt, G. and Johnston, C. 2013 “Staging Testimony in Nanay” Geographical Review, 103:2, 288-303.

Lee, E. and G. Pratt 2012 “The Spectacular and the Mundane: Racialised State Violence and Filipino Migrant Families” Environment and Planning A, 44:889-904.

Pratt. G. 2010 “Listening in spaces of ordinariness: Filipino-Canadian youths’ transnational lives” Children’s Geographies 8 (4) 343-352.

Pratt, G. 2010 “Collaboration as feminist strategy” Gender Place and Culture 17, 43-48.

Johnston, C. and G. Pratt. 2010 “Nanay (Mother): a testimonial play” Cultural Geographies 17, 123-133.

Pratt, G. in collaboration with the Philippine Women Centre of BC 2009 ”Circulating Sadness: Witnessing Filipino Mothers’ Stories of Family Separation” Gender Place and Culture, 16, 3-22.

Pratt, G. and Johnston, C. 2009 “Translating Research into Theatre: Nanay: a testimonial play” B.C. Studies 163, 123-132. Reprinted in Popular Political Theatre and Performance. Julie Salverson (ed.) Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press.

Pratt, G. in collaboration with Philippines-Canada Task Force on Human Rights 2008 “International Accompaniment and Witnessing State Violence in the Philippines” Antipode, 40:5, 751-779.

Pratt, G. and Johnston, C. 2007 “Turning Theatre into Law, and Other Spaces of Politics” Cultural Geographies, 14, 92-113.

Walton-Roberts, M. and Pratt, G. 2005 “Mobile Modernities: A South Asian Family Negotiates Immigration: Gender, Sexuality and Class in Canada”, Gender Place and Culture, 12, 173-195.

Pratt, G. 2005 “Abandoned Women and Spaces of the Exception” (2005 Antipode Lecture) Antipode, 37(5). 1053-1078.

Pratt, G. in collaboration with Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada, 2003 “Between Homes: Displacement and Belonging for Second Generation Filipino-Canadian Youths” B.C. Studies, 139, 41-68. Reprinted in Asian Canadian Studies Reader (eds. Roland Sintos Coloma and Gordon Pon) Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2017.

Book Chapters, 2005- 

Farrales, M. and Pratt, G. 2020 ‘Unsettling Gender and sexuality across nations: transnationalism within and beyond nations’ Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies (eds. A. Datta et al) Routledge: London and New York, 223-233.

Pratt, G. with Jacobs, J. 2018 ‘Film and Thinking Space’ in Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues (eds.B. Christophers, R. Lave, J. Peck and M. Werner) Agenda Publishing, 277-288.

Pratt, G. 2017 “Children and the Intimate Violence of Transnational Labor Migration” in  Conflict, Violence and Peace, Geographies of Children and Young People (eds. C. Harker et al.) Springer: Singapore, 387-407.

Peake, L. and G. Pratt 2017 “Women in Cities” inUrbanization in a Global Context: Canadian Perspectives. (eds. A. Bain and L. Peake) Oxford University Press.

Pratt, G. and C. Johnston in collaboration with the Philippine Women Centre of BC, 2014 “Nanay, a testimonial play” in Once More with Feeling: Five Affecting Plays (ed. Erin Hurley) Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 57-90.

Johnston, C. and G. Pratt 2014 “Taking Nanay to the Philippines: transnational circuits of affect” in Theatre of Affect (ed. Erin Hurley) Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 192-212.

Pratt, G. and M. Kraft, 2014 “Masculinity-Femininity” in Introducing Human Geographies, 3rd ed. (eds. Paul Cloke, Philip Crang, Mark Goodwin) Hodder Arnold, 82-96.

Pratt, G. and C.B. Erengezgin 2013 “Gender” in New Companion to Cultural Geography. Nuala Johnston, Richard Schein and Jamie Winders (eds.) Wiley Blackwell, 73-87.

Pratt, G. 2013 “Unsettling Narratives: Global Households, Urban Life and a Politics of Possibility” in Rethinking Feminist Interventions in the Urban. Linda Peake and Martina Rieker (eds.) Routledge, 108-124.

Pratt, G. 2012 “Between the sheets” in Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing Invisibility. R. Coloma, J.P. Catungal, B. McElhinny (eds.) University of Toronto Press, 205-216.

Lee, L. and G. Pratt 2011 “Migrant Worker: Migrant Stories” in Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects. T. Cresswell and P. Merriman eds. Ashgate, 225-238.

Pratt, G. in collaboration with the Philippine Women Centre of B.C. and Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada/Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance 2009 “Seeing Beyond the State: Towards Transnational Feminist Organizing” in Critical Transnational Feminist Praxis (Eds., Amanda Swarr and Richa Nagar) SUNY University Press, 65-86.

Pratt. G. 2008 “Complexity and Connection” Feminisms in Geography: Space, Place and Environment. Edited by Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer Al-Hindi. Rowman and Littlefield, Lantham, 68-74.

Pratt, G. and C. Johnston, 2007 “Putting Play to Work” in Politics and Practices in Economic Geography, (eds, A. Tickell, E. Sheppard, J Peck, and T Barnes), Sage, London.

Pratt, G. 2007 “Das raumliche Imaginare eines globalen Feminismus” (Global Feminism’s Spatial Imaginaries) in Gender in Motion. Dominique Grisard, Jana Haberlein, Anelis Kaiser, Sibylle Saxer (eds.) Campus Verlag: Frankfurt, New York, 81-101.

Pratt, G. in collaboration with the Philippine Women Centre of B.C. and Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada/Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance, 2007 “Working with Migrant Communities: Collaborating with the Kalayaan Centre in Vancouver, Canada in Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place (Eds. Sara Kindon, Rachel Pain and Mike Kesby) Routledge, London,95-103.

Pratt, G. in collaboration with the Philippine Women Centre, 2005 “From Migrant to Immigrant: Domestic Workers Settle in Vancouver, Canada” in Companion to Feminist Geography (eds. Lise Nelson and Joni Seager). Blackwell, 123-137.

Pratt, G. 2005 “Masculinity-Femininity” in Introducing Human Geographies, 2nd ed. (eds. Paul Cloke, Philip Crang, Mark Goodwin) Hodder Arnold, 96-109.