Study at a Glance:
We are inviting couples who live in Canada and are above the age of 60 years to participate in this study. The primary purpose of this study is to examine how partners navigate their lives and pursue valued goals. The results of our study will help us to understand how partners can help each other to accomplish together what might be difficult to realize alone.
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to take part in two Zoom sessions and to complete 2 daily questionnaires per day (one in the morning and one in the evening) for 10 days. In those questionnaires you will be asked about your feelings, thoughts, goal progress, and your partner’s involvement in your daily life activities.
What does the study involve?
Should you choose to participate in the study, you will be asked to complete two zoom sessions at 2 time points. In addition, we will ask you to complete daily questionnaires related to your everyday activities. All couples are invited to complete the below components in the following order.
Zoom session 1: During the first session, a research assistant will go through study procedures with you, including reviewing some of the questions you will encounter in the Baseline questionnaire. In this questionnaire you will be asked questions about your background, demographic features such as race/ethnicity and gender, technology use, goals, social relationships, as well as your well-being. We will also ask you to think about three goals you plan/can pursue during the upcoming days. Providing information on any questions or tasks is always voluntary.
Daily life assessments: Then, for ten days, we will ask you to complete brief questionnaires 2 times per day (one in the morning and one in the evening) in your computer, tablet, or cellphone device. These brief questionnaires will ask you questions about where you are, how you are feeling, if you have been interacting with other people, how your goals are progressing, and the behaviors of your partner.
Zoom session 2: There will be a final session at the end of the ten days to go over how the study went for you and reimbursement. There will also be a final questionnaire with additional measures as well as a space to provide any additional feedback.
How much of my time is required?
Approximately 5 hours of your time is required for this study (including the 2 zoom sessions and daily life questionnaires). Should you decide to participate in this study, you will each receive a $50 gift card.