CBEL Project: Blog Entry 1


In this project, we are redesigning a playground space to encourage young children to discover new things. Primarily, the playground is intended for use by children under the age of 6. An emphasis has been put on incorporating elements of nature, as we are trying to avoid the conventional plastic playground structure.

The playground space must accommodate parents as well as children. Plans are being made to make spaces for parents to sit and interact with each other, regardless of weather conditions. Finally, the project will consider factors such as costs of maintenance, site illumination and  building materials to ensure a safe and sustainable solution.



Our client is Options Community Services. Options is a non-profit organization who provide social services primarily in Surrey, Delta, White Rock and Langley. They believe in helping communities with programs and projects. They envision communities to be great places to live in and belong to.

In their projects, one of the top priorities are to help people help themselves. In collaborating with individuals, businesses, communities and government, Options strive to make effective and useful tools and facilities for the community. In every one of their projects, they go above and beyond the call of duty to make communities better places to be in.


Community that will benefit from the project

Located in Surrey, the project site is located near the Guildford Town Shopping Centre, specifically on 154th street and 104th avenue. As one of Metro Vancouver’s fastest growing regions, our finished project will seek to serve the families of Surrey—specifically in the Guildford area—with a suitable environment for their children, stimulating their growth and providing a sense of belonging. Already equipped with a Toy and Resource Lending Library, this new innovative and natural setting will further help in these children’s development—provoking their natural creativity and imagination—while serving as a safe and entertaining environment.

The project site


Our team

 Jeremy Tse is a second-year Civil Engineering student. Having gone to many cities around the world, he has always had a great interest in how cities work. Also having lived in the Lower Mainland all his life, he looks forward to serving the people of Surrey in this project.

Currently enrolled in his second year, Jeremy Javier is working towards a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Furthermore, with a few years of experience in retail and based out in Surrey, he’s excited to be a part of his team of colleagues to work towards helping Options Community Services make a positive impact on his local community.

Kunal Sethi is also a second year Civil Engineering student. With a strong interest and passion for transportation, he is eager to work with the client on the Community Based Experiential Learning project. He looks forward to knowing his teammates better and learning from their experiences.

Christian Brandl is a second year Civil Engineering student at the University of British Columbia looking to specialize in Transportation Engineering. He has lived in cities around Europe and Asia and has visited countless other places, thus he feels that he has a wide spectrum of examples to be inspired from. Having seen the impact even a small project can have on the community, Christian is eager to work with his peers and the City of Surrey on this community project.

It is Wei Jiang’s second year in the civil engineering undergraduate program at UBC. He has a keen interest in architectural structure and design. He feels that working with his peers is a good opportunity for him to meet new people and enrich his academic experience. Moreover, he looks forward to contributing to this CBEL project and serving the community.

Jordan Squire is excited to enhance his second year Civil engineering experience through the Community Based Experiential Learning Project. Having lived in Surrey, he looks forward to giving back to his community and working with his peers. He is particularly interested in the design process and is keen on employing his academic expertise in this project.

4 thoughts on “CBEL Project: Blog Entry 1

  1. nesbit

    Hi Team!

    Very cool project. I wonder how you would compare it to your CIVL 201 project?! How does having a real client change your thinking?

    Looking forward to reading about your progress,


  2. Susan Nesbit

    Hi Team,

    Wow, it’s odd that you have made only one post! I hope you are doing ok with your project. When you decide to make the rest of your posts, make sure to review the expectations that guide the assessments (i.e. the blog marking rubric!)


  3. group8

    Really awesome project, and it’s useful to know our client and then we can have a better direction to design.
    This project tries to use more natural materials instead of plastic materials and requires using in all kinds of weather, so I’m really curious about your ideas about that.


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