
It’s time for a product review! Picture your favorite moment of the day: Yup, the shower, but I don’t mean the shower that wakes you up and drags you kicking into the day, I mean the one that calms you after the days activities, and swells into relaxation. Picture your second favorite moment of the day: Yup, that cold beer flowing, that moment of perfection – nothing could be sweeter. As you can probably tell, I’m in perfect agreement, so much so that I began a summertime ritual that I’ve since called “The Shower Beer” [I prefer the highest pressure setting and a Rolling Rock, but it is open to interpretation].

Laugh you might, but why shouldn’t man be able to enjoy the refreshing cool taste of beer on the inside, while being slammed by scorching water on the outside. It gives complete rebirth, and does so at a fairly affordable price. Forever the stereotype has been a elegant lady in bath tub with a glass of wine, so I vote that we create the dapper man with a Shower Beer.

Now for most of the summer I thought that I was alone on this battle; everybody I told looked at me with disbelief. Every trek I made to the shower was one of loneliness, but no longer. Due to some hefty research [googled Shower Beer], I’ve found that the battle is being fought on more than one front. Meet: The Shakoolie. If I could describe the product in the fewest words, it’s a beer koozie, with a piece of Velcro, and launch pad to attach to your shower wall.

Now, they advertise the product as the way to make “Your shower more PARTY,” but it works just as well as a relaxation tool. With the Shakoolie, gone are the worries of the day, gone are the worries that your Shower Beer might grow warm, and gone are the worries about where to put the beer can while you wash your hair. Just relax, and enjoy.

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