Bonjour tout le monde

This blog will be the host for a few musings on social media use as an information professional.

I bought my first smartphone the same week I crossed into Canada to start my Masters of Library and Information Science. I had vague ambitious of chronicling my educational progress over social media for family and friends back home, and immediately signed up on Twitter. To date I us it to complain about transit and occasionally retweet interesting professional news. I think on the same day I signed up for an Instagram account that I have never used.

I’m most active on Facebook. I keep a relatively close social circle there, though my friend list passed Dunbar’s number, it remains fairly insular and consequently my annoyances at transit and transit passengers is most of my public social media persona except for a LinkedIn that I don’t really understand.

My one point of social media pride is through my volunteer involvement with Out On the Shelves Library, a (currently vagabond) queer library in Vancouver. Another volunteer and I started a series of queer webcomic reviews on the library’s Tumblr with the hastag #webcomicswednesdays. This project fell by the wayside when the library lost its permanent space, but while they ran they were fairly popular and even prompted two authors to donate their print editions of their comics to the library.
