06. Workplace Bullies and Corporate Culture

06. Workplace Bullies and Corporate Culture

Picture by Risk to Business

Shown by Zappos, corporate culture is not only significant in motivating the employees, but also in corporate growth. Workplace bullying, which is not an uncommon phenomenon in South Korea, is in fact a serious problem that is not taken seriously enough.

In contrast to Zappos, where the employer did not own a corner office, a strict position and class (hierarchy) distinction among the Korean employees and employers exist. Furthermore, overwhelming working hours and the employers’ expectation to complete the jobs as soon as possible cause stress and inhibited communication among the employees. This not only results in a reduced productivity, but also slows down the process of developing its services and products in response to the customer needs. This eventually harms the potential growth of the company.

If developing corporate culture is essential for growth, why many Korean companies are reluctant to enhance the relationships among the employers? Developing and maintaining corporate culture may be costly since it requires spending funds and time on effective communication and working environment. It may be true that developing culture for a huge company is costly and rather difficult due to numerous branches, segments, and employees. However, it may be important to acknowledge that corporate culture is significantly related to the growth of company, and it is beneficial for the company in long-term; the company should strive to enhance its corporate culture.



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