October 21, 2016 HERG seminar

Please join us for the next HERG seminar:

Friday, October 21, 2016, 12:00-2:00, Multipurpose Room (room 2012), Ponderosa Commons Oak House

Fei Wang, Assistant Professor, EDST

The Lived Experiences of Canadian-Born and Foreign-Born Chinese Canadian Post-Secondary Students in Northern Ontario

This phenomenological study provided an in-depth description of the internal meaning of the lived experiences of Canadian-born and foreign-born Chinese students in Canada and uncovered the differences in their social experiences. The study used semi-structured interviews to allow the participants to express their views on their lives in Northern Ontario, Canada. Four themes emerged: (a) perceptions of ethnic identity; (b) cultural integration; (c) perceptions of academic performance and (d) the effect of Canadian education on career options. The study revealed that Canadian-born Chinese students differed from their foreign-born counterparts in their viewpoints on ethnic identity; their perceptions concerning acculturation; and academic performance. They shared similarities in their views about Canadian and Chinese educational systems, teaching styles, and their career expectations.

Related to this recent article:
Wang, F. (2016). The Lived Experiences of Canadian-Born and Foreign-Born Chinese Canadian Post-Secondary Students in Northern OntarioJournal of International Students6(2), 451.


François Lachapelle, PhD student, Sociology and Patrick John Burnett, PhD Candidate, Sociology

The Rise and Stall of the Canadianization Movement: Canadian Professoriate, Envy-League, and the Social Sciences, Evidences from 1978-2015

The Canadianization Movement is one of the constitute moments in the relatively recent history of Canadian social sciences that emerged in the late 1960s under the leadership of two Carleton University English professors, James Steele and Robin Matthews. This social movement later gained momentum in the mid-1970s when the young Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association adopted an aggressive Canadianizing policy that culminated in 1982 when the federal government adopted the Canadian First Policy. Afterwards, as the domestic narrative goes, the Canadianization Movement, which proposed to limit the access of non-Canadians to academic jobs, may possibly have overturned the post-war Americanization of Canada’s social scientific field. Using the largest database on Canadian professoriates to date (5,000 cases), we are undertaking a series of longitudinal studies of U15’s social sciences professors’ educational trajectory between 1978 and 2015 to document ‘the rise and stall’ of the Canadianization Movement at the institutional level.

September 23, 2016 HERG seminar

We are delighted to kick off the Fall 2016 term with a HERG seminar on September 23rd. Please join us! No RSVP required. Please feel free to bring your lunch.

Friday, September 23, 12:00-2:00, Multipurpose Room (room 2012), Ponderosa Commons Oak House

Alison Taylor, Associate Professor EDST and Renate Kahlke, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Health Education Scholarship

Institutional Logics and Community Service-Learning in Higher Education

This paper explores how community service-learning (CSL) participants negotiate competing institutional logics in Canadian higher education. Drawing theoretically from new institutionalism and work on institutional logics, we consider how CSL has developed in Canadian universities and how participants discuss CSL in relation to other dominant institutional logics in higher education. Our analysis suggests participants’ responses to competing community, professional, and market logics vary depending on their positions within the field. We see actors’ use of hybrid logics to validate community-engaged learning, as the strategy most likely to effect change in the field.

Related to recent work such as:
Taylor, A. (2014). Community service-learning and cultural-historical activity theory. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education44(1), 95. Online: http://journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe/article/view/183605

Michael Marker, Associate Professor EDST

Indigenous Knowledge, Universities, and Alluvial Zones of Paradigm Change

Indigenous faculty and graduate students have been asserting a kind of cultural and intellectual sovereignty over their own academic production and participation. Colonization through assimilationist education suppressed Indigenous community knowledge; Indigenous scholars are reclaiming this ancient intelligence and bringing it to the conversation on what constitutes research. This presentation brings forth two recent examples of how Indigenous Ph.D. students are decolonizing both identities and academic processes.  Universities are in conflicted positions as they invite Indigenous expression, but resist the undoing of hierarchies that maintain hegemonic equilibrium. Are Universities that welcome Indigenous knowledge and the place based blending of metaphysical and physical realities leading a paradigm change in ecological consciousness? Can Indigenous scholars and Indigenous communities be represented in academic locations in ways that redirect the goals and purposes of research and knowledge production?

Related to recent work such as:
Marker, M. (2016). Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous scholars, and narrating scientific selves:“to produce a human being”. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 1-4. Online: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11422-015-9660-1

Marker, M. (2015). Geographies of Indigenous leaders: Landscapes and mindscapes in the Pacific Northwest. Harvard Educational Review85(2), 229-253. Online: http://www.hepgjournals.org/doi/abs/10.17763/0017-8055.85.2.229

July HERG seminar recap

July 15, 2016 HERG Seminar

Our last seminar for the summer 2016 term was a huge success, with outstanding presentations by Dr. Jude Walker and PhD Candidate Ashely Pullman. Below are some additional resources from each speaker’s recently published research. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next HERG seminar in September 2016.

Dr. Jude Walker

Jude Walker’s departmental homepage

Walker, J. (2016). Stratification and vocationalization in Canadian higher education. In S. Slaughter & B. J. Taylor (Eds.), Higher Education, Stratification, and Workforce Development (pp. 251-269). Springer International Publishing.

Ashley Pullman

Ashley Pullman’s Google Scholar Profile

Pullman, A. (2015). Emancipation, marketisation, and social protection: the female subject within vocational training policy in Canada, 1960–1990. Gender and Education27(7), 759-775. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09540253.2015.1103840

Updated PSE tables released from Stats Canada

On June 21, 2016, Statistics Canada released updated tables for Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/81-582-x/2016001/t-c-g-eng.htm).

Of particular interest to higher education researchers are the tables in Section B2: Financing education systems/Public and private expenditure on education (university tuition & fees, revenues/expenditures), Section D: Postsecondary education (enrolments of registered apprentices, apprenticeship completions), and Section E: Transitions and outcomes (participation rates, employment, labour force status, and unemployment rates).

HERG Seminar topics for July 15, 2016

HERG seminar on Friday, July 15, 2016
Ponderosa Commons Oak House, room 1011 (please note this is a room change)
Noon to 3:00pm

Dr. Judith Walker, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies

“Fracking” and “refining” Canada’s higher education system: examining trends of vocationalisation and stratification

Canada has embarked on a project of vocationalising and stratifying its higher education system. The metaphor of resource extraction works well for examining these changes, not in small part because both federal and provincial governments have pursued a type of “extraction education” for an “extraction economy.” Fracking is evidenced by the fracturing of the humanities, the injection of money into programmes associated with LNG and oil industries, and the breaking down of the existing system to create higher status institutions, such as converting community colleges into universities. Refining is seen in increasingly prestigious and competitive grants and scholarships to develop Canada’s budding and existing intellectual and scientific elite, and also in the refining of institutions and funding to become more responsive to labour market needs.  In this talk, I will speak to the trends of vocationalisation and stratification in Canadian higher education, will further theorise “extraction education” in the context of British Columbia, and will speculate on what the future may hold.

Ashley Pullman, PhD Candidate, Educational Studies

Troubling perceptions of educational advantage: A life course study in the efficacy of higher education

Postsecondary education (PSE) is often framed as a means to produce high-skilled individuals, a benefit that extends not only to graduates themselves in securing high-paying and high-quality employment but overall economic advancement for society. Often asserting the value of PSE as if it is universally accepted, government and research rhetoric explicitly and/or implicitly promotes the efficacy of postsecondary education. Yet assumptions surrounding the efficacy of PSE cannot be taken for granted, especially as prior research on beliefs towards education have highlighted how individual value systems differ and change over time. The following paper examines how “PSE efficacy” beliefs—that is, the extent to which PSE is deemed necessary “for a successful future”—differ between individuals in relation to demographic factors and changes over time in response to labour market attachment and skill use within employment. The following presentation will discuss four aspects of my research on this subject: First, I will explore prior research and theory on the interplay between education and beliefs. Next, I will present the possibilities, limitations and assumptions of studying beliefs and values through growth analysis, a quantitative modeling approach used within longitudinal research. Third, I will discuss the data set employed and the composite measures constructed. Finally, I will present my research findings and elicit feedback.

AERA Div J proposal workshop

For students interested in developing a proposal for Div J Postsecondary Education of AERA for the 2017 conference in San Antonio, Dr. Amy Metcalfe will provide an overview of the conference and submission criteria during the second half of the HERG seminar on June 10, 2016. The HERG seminar will be held in room 1008 of Ponderosa Commons Oak House, UBC from noon-3:00. The call for proposals for AERA can be found on the association’s website: http://www.aera.net/EventsMeetings/AnnualMeeting/2017AnnualMeetingCallforSubmissions/tabid/16328/Default.aspx

AERA Call for Proposals, San Antonio 2017

The Call for Proposals for the American Association of Educational Research (AERA) annual conference in San Antonio, TX is now available, with a submission deadline of July 22, 2016. The conference page is http://www.aera.net/EventsMeetings/AnnualMeeting/2017AnnualMeetingCallforPaperandSessionSubmissions/tabid/16328/Default.aspx

Higher education is represented by Division J Postsecondary Education, which has its own entry in the Call for Proposals. Division J proposals are submitted to one of several sections:

Section 1: College Student Learning and Development

Section 2a: College Student Access

Section 2b: College Student Success & Outcomes

Section 3: Organization, Management, and Leadership

Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching

Section 5: Policy, Finance, and Economics

Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change


June 10 HERG Seminar

The next HERG seminar will be held on June 10, 2016!
12:00 Noon
Ponderosa Commons Oak House, UBC
Room 1008 (please note this is a room change)

Dale McCartney, PhD student in Educational Studies

Inventing International Students: Canadian parliamentary debate about international students, 1945-69

Although there is a growing literature examining international student policy in Canada, very little of it examines the historical development of that policy. “Inventing International Students” historicizes international student policy by looking at the ways in which policy makers – specifically Canadian parliamentarians – talked about international students in the period after WWII.  This paper argues that international students were seen as vehicles for other political agendas, or as representatives of social or political crises that had little to do with international students themselves. Some of the discourses that international students were invested with in this period still shape policy discussion today. This study has two important insights for the study of internationalization higher education. One, it makes an important and original contribution to the policy analysis of international student policy in Canada, which lacks both this sort of historical perspective and the understanding provided by examining policy talk. Specifically, it helps historicize some elements of modern discourses about international students by examining their historical roots. Moreover, the paper reminds us that to understand international student policy at any time we need to see it in a larger socio-educational context, linked with immigration, foreign policy, and international economics. Contemporary international student policy is built on this historical foundation – understanding that foundation is key to understanding modern policy debate.