I came across this random article while answering a reference question and found it an oddly compelling human interest story: Larry Walters, Lawn Chair Pilot

Thanks to Shawnna for finding this YouTube diversion of the day. Best with the sound turned on!

For their “own safety” a couple of schools in the UK have put RFIDs in School Uniforms. I knew they couldn’t just use RFIDs for books…they had to put them to some more veiled sinister use.

A researcher for a film company needed pictures of people (Nixon, Kissinger, Haldeman, McLaughlin, Liebowitz, Zedong, etc.) as they appeared in 1985 (for casting purposes). Tara showed me a brilliant site – Corbis – that you can search by name, and limit to very specific date ranges. He was thrilled to find pictures of most of the people there, and could save the pictures and easily email them to the casting agent.

“What could better welcome spring than a delightfully clever comic treat from Blackbird Theatre? Part commedia dell’arte, part feminist fairy tale, Marivaux’s The Triumph of Love is sharp as a tack and charming as a love bouquet. (But mind the thorns!) In this tale of misdirection, misconception, and misalliance, an accidental princess woos as a man as she precipitates the ravelling and unravelling of not one, but three amours.”
Patrick’s friend Marie Stillin is in the cast. Info @ VECC

Apparently Harold Ballard, former owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, is in the lead for number one for the Worst Canadian. We sure do take our hockey seriously.

Apparently Canadians (Ottawans at that) moseyed in at number 20 in the World’s Fastest Walkers study. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

2007 InfoTubey Award Winner “The L-Team

The Librarian video.

Cheap, as in price, of course.
Come see “Revenge“, a play written by David Bloom and directed by renowned James Fagan Tate. In addition to the bargain price of admission ($20-$25) for regular tickets, there is a “pay what you can” day that is not to be missed. Read on for details.
by David Bloom
Felix Culpa
Firehall Arts Centre
May 3-12
$25/$20 at 604-689-0926
Felix Culpa announces their most ambitious production: Revenge by David Bloom. Revenge, a modern adaptation of the Jacobean classic The Revenger’s Tragedy, is the story of Vindici who, in avenging the murder of his fiancée, sets about to kill his enemies in increasingly creative and terrifying ways. With Vancouver’s most exciting director, James Fagan Tait (A Christmas Carol, Crime and Punishment), and eleven performers—including Bill Dow as Vindici—Revenge will be a sensual shocker on a grand scale.
Revenge is a collaboration between playwright David Bloom, director James Fagan Tait, actors Bill Dow (as Vindici), Cherise Clarke (BFA Acting), Alex Diakun, Michael Eisner, Anna Hagan, Jay Hamburger, Raphael Kepinski, Meghan Kinsley, Josue Laboucane, James Pizzinato and Linda Quibell, and award-winning designers Mara Gottler (Costumes), Kate King (Set), and John Webber (Lighting).

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