Inspiration for a drill team…

‘Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America’ takes prize for oddest book title

Never disrespect the librarians.

I am a big fan of the grand prize winner of Pimp My Bookcart

Yet another addition to the container vs. content debate:
From the article: a fascinating example of putting books to other uses…
“there was no outcry in 2003 when 2.5 million romance novels from the publisher Mills & Boon were buried to form the noise-reducing foundation of a motorway extension in Manchester, England.”

Each winter, the librarians gather …

A little drawn out, but still worth a look.
Thanks KB for the tip!

Interesting new article on Google Books in the latest issue of the New Yorker:
Toobin, Jeffrey. Google’s Moon Shot: The quest for the universal library. The New Yorker. February 5, 2007.
A quote from their VP, Marissa Mayer:
Google has become known for providing access to all of the world’s knowledge, and if we provide access to books we are going to get much higher-quality and much more reliable information. We are moving up the food chain.”

Hi all
A request for help in finding this item came through HSS email yesterday. Thought I would share.
Sex and Vigor in Populus Science 17 September 1948 108: 302-303.
Do we have it? Hint… punctuation counts in citations!

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