From David Winter:
Articles ordered from external sources (via ILL or CISTI Order) are being delivered to UBC users via post to web. When an article is received, ILL staff match the article to the correct request and then it is posted to the web. The user receives an email message with a link to the article. The user then clicks on the link to obtain the article. The user does not need a password to access their articles.
For CISTI Orders articles, ILL staff are creating brief records in Relais (our ILL/DD software) in order to post the articles to the web and to send an email to the user.
The article can be accessed a total of 3 times within 15 days from the date of the email message. After either accessing the article 3 times or 15 days have passed, the article is no longer available to the user. If the user cannot access the article, please have them contact the ILL Offices:
UBC Vancouver – 604-822-6596/2274 or
UBC Okangan 250-807-9114 or
for assistance. ILL staff can still access the article.
All articles received by 5:00PM Monday to Friday will be processed that day.
Under the Copyright Act, if the user wants to keep a copy of the article, they must print a copy. The article has been received for the purposoe of research or private study only. It is not for redistribution, retransmission or electronic storage. It cannot be used for any other purpose or reproduced without permission of the copyright owner.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 604-822-6721 or
October 6th, 2009 by Susan Atkey | No Comments »
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