This is my introductory blog post to LIBR 559M: Social Media for Information Professionals.
My name is Michele Ramos, and I’ve just finished my first term at UBC and have been enjoying my experiences here in Vancouver. I’m a bit of a noobie when it comes to today’s social media, however I did have an OpenDiary back in the day (and this was pre-LiveJournal)!
Here is my still-pretty-new Twitter and Flickr feed. I also have a fairly long standing Facebook profile (which I created after the great exodus from MySpace) and I have a blog and linked in profile in the works (you can find a link to these from my twitter). Also, if it helps to have these links all on one place, and you’d like to know more about me, here is my online profile for another course I am taking this summer.
Lately I’ve been interested in using social media as a means of “building my digital reputation” (borrowed from the syllabus) and I’ve started modeling my social media usage after a couple librarian bloggers: Librarian In Black and Lauren in Libraryland.
Overall I am pretty excited about using social media and the value of social networking and engagement.
This is the blog I will be using for the course. The previous posts are all from LIBR 500: Foundations of Information Technology in March 2011.