2021 Healing Garden

Rideaucrest Home Garden – Meredith Wilson

Physical touch from family members and caregivers is often an important part of the therapeutic regime for people living with dementia. The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated long-term care homes across Canada and has left many residents isolated from this essential contact.

2021 Healing Garden

Memory Lane – Julianna Neudorf

Coming soon.

2021 Healing Garden

Tea Swamp Park – Tyler Adam

Coming soon

2021 Healing Garden

Season Coast – Steve Li

Coming soon.

2021 Healing Garden

Stage Garden – Veronica Sheng

Coming soon.

2021 Healing Garden

Slow Motion – Charlotte Chen

Coming soon.

2021 Inclusive Park

Columbia Park – Will Xiao and Steve Li

We interpret the idea of inclusivity as a mixture of diverse matter. Just like the fact that different rivers merge into the ocean, despite of their origins. The immigrants from other counties to Canada is just like the flow of rivers, and they bring their cultures, which as a result, creates diversity.

2021 Inclusive Park

InterPlay Park – Alwyn Rutherford, Charlotte Chen and Marco Leung

Inclusive design is accessible, adaptable and multifunctional, serving the needs of a diverse population. We predict that increased development and population density will result in declining green space ownership and equity of access to nature.

2021 Inclusive Park

Flow Park – Chloe Naese and Veronica Sheng

With the concept of inclusivity in mind, our design for Flow Park accommodates both current and future residents by serving as a respite from the urban environment and creates a synergy between city residents and the natural world.

2021 Inclusive Park

The Nest – Alex Williams and Julianna Neudorf

Our aim with this project was to explore how inclusive design can be applied beyond anthropocentric design principles. In many cases, the animals that we cohabitate with in our cities are left as an afterthought, if considered at all. By approaching this inclusive space with more of an ecocentric framework, we were able to create a sanctuary for both certain species of birds as well as for people.

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