Dear InSEA 2019 Delegates,
Rain Delay:
Due to the rain during the Keynote by Gu Xiong – arrangements have been made to prepare the installation between 12:15 and 1:00 on Thursday, July 12. After the Keynote by Tania Willard, InSEA 2019 delegates are invited to join Gu Xiong on the Main Mall at UBC – and to fold their own paper boat and participate in the creation of the outdoor installation titled “A River of Cultural Migrations”.
Please join us today for both the Keynote by Tania Willard at 11:00a.m. in the Frederick Wood Theatre, followed by participating with Gu Xiong in “A River of Cultural Migrations”, on the Main Mall.
Room Correction
“Empowering Individual and Cultural Identities of Teenage Girls in Rural Communities in Kenya through Maker-Centered Curriculum”, by Sarah Sin, is in Session K on Thursday July 11 from 1:30-2:30, in the Audain Art Centre, Room 1002 alongside the other Short Visual Presentations (SVP)
Visual Inquiry Learning and Teaching Art
Misplaced copies of the journal: Visual Inquiry Learning and Teaching Art, from Intellect Books – has been brought to our attention. In part, by people who would have appreciated the opportunity to buy the text. If you inadvertently took these copies, kindly return them to their display at Intellect Books or bring them to the InSEA 2019 Congress Desk. No questions asked – just happy to return them.
Missing HDMI Cables
Alas, three HDMI cables cannot be found in the Audain Art Centre 3rd Floor Making Spaces. We borrowed them ourselves, along with several projectors from elementary schools in the Lower Mainland. If you find any of them – can you kindly return the HDMI cables to one of the people wearing a Making Apron. We would be so grateful that you found them.