Posts from the ‘Non-IPP’ Category
- 03.7.12GISAU Presents: Destination Indonesia
- 03.7.12ELI International Night
- 02.8.12US Students Infor Lunch: Hometown Ambassadors
- 02.8.12Songs Unsung: a concert with a twist to it and for a Good Cause
- 01.30.12International Development Week 2012 at the Global Lounge
- 01.25.12Academic English Support Program
- 012.24.11Reading Break Offers from Travel CUTS and Win great prizes
- 011.17.11I.House Christmas Dinner is looking for volunteers!
- 211.17.11Applications are now being accepted for volunteering positions with Winter GALA 2012!
- 011.10.11Clinton Global Initiative University: What is it and Why YOU should go!