From Pexel
Welcome to my Web Folio! This Web Folio introduces my background and showcases my best work and accomplishments from ENGL 301. When exploring this webpage, be sure to check out the different tabs located at the top of the page. Recent blog posts and comments along with my Twitter can be found on the sidebar on the right.
Here are some useful links to help you get started in exploring my Web Folio:
Introduction – ENGL 301 – summary of the course and first impressions
Biography – an introduction to my academic and professional interests
Blog – collection of reflections written following completion of each module of ENGL 301
Past Projects – outlines my research interests and past projects
LinkedIn – link to my LinkedIn profile
Application Package – my job application package for Amgen’s Senior Associate position
Résumé – online version of my résumé highlighting my research experiences and skills
Best Works – a collection of my best works including: definition assignment, formal report proposal and progress report, complaint and response letter, and peer reviews.
Please feel free to connect with me via Twitter or LinkedIn.