Welcome to my webpage originally for ENGL 301 at UBC. ENGL 301 is a writing course that introduces students from diverse disciplines to the principles of written and online communication for business, professional and technical contexts. There are three major writing assignments in this course – the formal report, application package on LinkedIn and Web Folio. Students are expected to work independently and collaboratively to continuously discuss, practice, revise and reflect on preparing abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence and online communications.
This course includes four units. In unit 1, students meet their instructor and classmates, form writing teams, and build their website. This unit focuses on the genre of definition for different audiences and business correspondences, with assignments emphasizing principles of audience, tone, clarity and presentation. In unit 2, students design a report proposal and create an online resume via LinkedIn. Reports are reviewed by writing team peers and feedback is summarized to instructor with a memo. In unit 3, students compose a report outline and draft. Students also build resume and job application skills through utilizing the UBC Career Services website to search for job postings, international volunteer positions or graduate schools and preparing an application package. In unit 4, students finalize their formal report, focusing on organization, evidence, audience and style. The course concludes with developing a social networking strategy.
English 301 will be an extremely helpful course that will assist in solidifying my professional and technical communications skills necessary for my career in life sciences. I look forward to challenging myself to produce a solid resume, formal report, social networking strategy and Web Folio within the short timeframe of the course. I am eager to learn from my peers and to continuously review, refine and reflect on my writing throughout the course.