Application Package

From Pexel

Obtaining a professional job can be a multi-stage process. The first step is researching the types of jobs available that match the applicant’s qualifications and interests. Next, applicants try to highlight that they are the ideal candidate for the position to prospective employers. In many cases, there are more applicants per job than the available positions. As such, whether an applicant is applying for their first professional job or switching careers, it is important to be able to market skills effectively. During the multi-stage hiring process, applicants must stand out among the competition.

For the purpose of the application package exercise for ENGL 301, I prepared a job application package for the Senior Associate position in the Protein Technologies team at Amgen. A PDF file of the job posting can be found here.

The job application package includes:

  • Cover Letter– outlines how my credentials fit the particular job posting and highlights my interests and experiences
  • Résumé – contains overview of skills and experiences relevant for the job posting. Searchable résumé can be found here.
  • Three request letters for references – letters requesting previous supervisors for permission to list them as references for the job application



“Senior Associate – Protein Technologies.” Amgen, 19 Nov. 2019,–ProteinTechnologies.