Link #2 Jeevan Pannun – Golden Record Network

Jeevan Pannun – Golden Record Network Assignment

It is always interesting to me to see how people approach the same activity in a completely different manner than I do.  Jeevun and I had several selections from the Golden Record curation assignment in common, and his network analysis summarizes the reasons behind each song, taking into consideration the selections and reasoning for each of our “group” members.

I worked with the network assignment in a completely different way and didn’t look at others’ motivations or lists at all.  I worked with the movable network, trying to create patterns and observe the visual connections, and only speculating on reasons.  With the visual network I also focused more on the popularity of the songs and grouping them than I did on the people who selected them.

Our differing approach to the network analysis was also evident within Jeevan’s summary of our reasons for selecting the individual songs.  It seems that in many cases we had quite different criteria for selection, although still came up with a relatively similar list.  This assignment and analysis provided insight into the different ways that many of us analyze a series of options and also in how we make connections and review information.


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