Link #3 – Brian Ham Attention Economy

Brian Ham – Attention Economy

I am so impressed that Brian was able to complete the User Inyerface in 7 minutes!  Reading through Brian’s analysis, much of it was similar to my experience, with the exception of the password and email page.  I found the checkboxes, captcha and demographic information amusing and annoying, but not difficult if you paid attention.

Brian found the email and password page simple and that drives me crazy!  How did I get so caught up on that?  I agree with him that our age and familiarity with the evolution of websites and poor interfaces might make some of this easier for us, but how I wasn’t able to just try clicking on the button to proceed on the password screen now baffles me.  The way we interact with interfaces is an interesting thing to consider and the way in which we can be manipulated and tricked is a valuable lesson.

Well done.

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