Social Media is a great way to market your business online.
However, many people don’t know:
1) how to start
2) how to effectively manage their time, and
3) how they put everything together.
In above youtube video, it outlines four basic steps to succeed in social media marketing:
1) Find Interested People
2) Deliver Quality Content
3) Capture Information
4) Keep in Touch
Another great tip they give in the video is that people should
NOT try to make money on social media, but use it for what it is:
1) to connect
2) socialize, and
3) build relationship.
Building relationship is the most important aspect in business, not money.
If you build a relationship with your customer
and gain their trust, money will then follow.
They also talk about the advantages of Social Media: TOP OF MIND
T- trust
O- offer your products or services
P- perceived as experts
O- outstanding visibility
F- familiarity
M- makes you credible
I-increases referrals
N-new relationships
D-demand higher prices
Don’t be afraid of Social Media. It’s easier and more friendly than you think!