Whether you are a big industry or small local business, creativity matters,
especially in today’s competitive market. Today, even small family-owned
businesses have their own websites, blogs, and Facebook pages.
Then, how can you stand out from your competitions?
Creativity is the key. Creative marketing grabs peoples’ attention.
Unless you have something creative, people aren’t going to pay
attention, which means the money you spent on advertising is simply a waste.
Today’s online marketing industry is more competitive than ever.
Do something creative to promote your company like the one
above, and post it on internet for the world to see.
Many of you, however, aren’t going to have enough budget to put on a show like
that. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative.

UBC LibDub, for example, is a creative online video produced by students
to promote their school.
Anything is possible when your school smells like UBC.
Anything is possible when your business can smell creativity.