McDonald’s taking the lead to become a sustainable Fast Food business?

The following article shows McDonald’s new efforts to become a sustainable company to attract customers in Europe. Europe and the UK in particular green businesses are making better profits.

McDonald's Filet-O-Fish box with MSC label

So what is McDonald’s doing to fit in that category?

  • It’s working with the Marine Stewardship Council to use a label in its McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches and assure its customers that the fish were caught in a sustainable way.

Creating a new vision where its company is headed to become one of the leaders in sustainability for its industry sector and for major industries within its supply chain.

What makes me think if it’s going to be possible for McDonalds to gain consumers trust with the image that books like Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me have portrayed?

Many opinions are on the line regarding the standards MSC use to give companies their certificate and whether McDonalds is making the right decision since there is a big difference between green principles and a green company.

In my opinion their initiative is the right one, since it is part of the “Big Food Companies” and by being so big they will be able to have a significant impact on the society. Even though the project is in Europe, it won’t be long before it is needed around the world.

For more information the article is the following: McDonald\’s ocean rescue: Sea change or greenwash?

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