Now or Never

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1st Blog- Business Ethics

January 12th, 2010 by Jayden

I found an interesting article that deals with business ethics at:


The article resolves around Jeffrey Wigand, who was the former vice president of research and development at Brown & Williamson, largest cigarette company in US. At the company, Wigand was forced to develop ingredients that strengthened the addictiveness and the risk of disease of the cigarettes, which would increase the sales of cigarettes, a horrifying tactic in the pursuit of profit. The company willingly sacrificed the well being and the health of the entire nation for profits in business. Despite of the restrictions on his Confidentiality Agreement, he eventually disclosed the secrets of Brown & Williamson to public in 1996.

In a free market, business will try to maximize its profits. However, it should do under a social-consciousness. When a trade-off between society and profit making occurs, it is ethical for businesses to calculate its impact on the society before initiating any actions. Although, businesses through its profit maximization can stimulate the economy, increasing the well being of the society, companies should think twice when their business places the health of the entire nation at risk!

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  • 1 Khalil Kassam Jan 12, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Nice post. I really like the concept.