Now or Never

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Business vs. Environment

April 9th, 2010 by Jayden

Now a days, corporations are so focused on profit-making, to most of them sustainability is the last thing on their minds. Although businesses often ignore the sustainability side, adapting a sustainable value proposition brings many advantages to the business.

According to the stereotypical views, businesses sit in the opposite end from environment on a spectrum. When speaking about business, people often think about the trucks transporting supplies, factories manufacturing different products, and the CO2 that they inevitably produce. These images can trigger distaste in people, as they start to view the company as irresponsible for the well-being of the entire planet. Therefore, by adapting a value proposition of being sustainable, the business creates a social dimension. For example, one of the most important value proposition of BodyShop is to “Protect Our Planet” through the use of renewable resources, and sustainable materials. The business realizes its social responsibility and knows that there is more to business than just money.

According to the Carbon Foot Print test, I produce 3.387 tonnes of CO2 per year. I was intrigued by the mass amount that I myself is can generate. Then later, I found out that this was actual quite a low amount compared to most people. I guess I should be happy that I could be considered a environmental-friendly person, but I should be worried that most people out there are producing way more than I am.

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