Now or Never

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Tom Williams, Not Your Average Entrepreneur

February 8th, 2010 by Jayden

Friday, I went to the Enterprize Conference. What stood out to me was, Tom Willliams—the Founder and CEO of GiveMeaning. I found him very intriguing as he possessed traits that most entrepreneurs have, exact opposite of those we discussed in Thursday’s COMM 486G class. At age 14, he dropped out of high school for a job at Apple. Responsible and humble? I don’t think so. But he was definitely passionate about what he wanted to do.


Tom is different from average entrepreneurs because non-profit organization, GiveMeaning, that he founded does not make a single dime. What happened to entrepreneurs need the drive to make money? GiveMeaning’s sole objective is to ironically give out money instead of to generate money. It fundraises for numerous projects across the globe, from providing education for children to providing therapy for injury survivors.

By donating money, GiveMeaning will ensure that every penny will go towards the project the donor cares for. Tom is not motivated by profits; he is just plainly passionate about what he believes in. I believe being an entrepreneur is about manifesting your passion, and doing what you want to do, even if you are doing it for free.

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