Mobile Marketing Cont. – Mobile Advertisements

Hey everyone!

As I alluded to in last week’s blog, I will be discussing a further aspect of mobile marketing: mobile advertisements.  In today’s modern society, users are constantly connected to their phones and utilizing it to text, talk, e-mail, or surf the internet.  However, while surfing the internet, users are being exposed to mobile advertisements.  While many might view this as a negative component of internet browsing, as most are not fans of intrusive advertising, the Millennial Generation does not at all view this as an invasion.  In fact, ¾ of the Millennial Generation are open to receiving mobile advertisements.

The 2012 “Light You Up” mobile campaign by Adidas, summarized here, was created to promote their launch of a new brand of Adidas soccer cleats.  Adidas, recognizing that the market they need to target was the Millennial Generation, as well as pinpointing that Millennia’s are receptive to mobile advertisements, created a static banner ad which would appear for every consumer who was near the launch party.  If a user clicked on the banner ad, they would immediately be taken to a promotional webpage describing the event, location, and time.  This mobile campaign turned out to be a tremendous success, engaging thousands of consumers to not only click on the advertisement to learn about the event, but also show up for the event.

The 2012 Adidas “Light You Up” mobile campaign is just an example of one of many successful mobile advertisement campaigns; Olympus’ “Capture Your Stories,” Yamaha’s FZ-16 Mobile Ads, and UNICEF’s Breastfeeding Awareness Mobile Ads are just a few of the success stories pertaining to mobile advertising.

Unfortunately, consumers hear only of how successful or great a mobile campaign was without being provided with any statistical data, which is what actually tells the story of how successful the campaign in question was. Adidas, however, conducted a case study in February 2013 regarding the power of mobile advertising, and published the colossal economic success they achieved.

To summarize, Adidas achieved: a 20% conversion rate from their mobile store locator to in-store visits, a 680% incremental increase in their ROI, and set the stage for further mobile advertising campaigns and investments.  These are enormous results which shows the impact mobile advertising actually has in our contemporary society.  I believe that all businesses and corporations should take advantage of the Millennial Generation’s reception to mobile advertisements, and perhaps begin their mobile marketing through either Google Mobile Ads or Microsoft Mobile Ad Network.


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