IMAGINUS Poster Sale (aka The Week I Feared for my Wallet)

Last Monday, a huge maze of poster boards welcomed me at the Nest:

2016-09-17-12-17-28Honestly, I had already walked up to the second (third?) floor before I even noticed what was happening below; my observation skills are great.

20160912_171828Turns out there was a poster sale going on for the whole week.

My first thought: Ohhhhhhhh no.

I have a fascination for posters, postcards, stickers, buttons etc etc.. Basically any form of decor you can collect endlessly.  My self restraint was at risk here -.-

After classes ended on Monday, I went straight to the Nest, and delved into the tall rows of posters that surrounded me. It was really fun walking among the posters, it was like I was in a jungle with trees made out of aesthetic posters that I really really wanted to buy.

20160912_172409There were all sorts of posters, from science fiction to photography, aesthetics to pop culture, watercolours to ink, cartoons to movies, infographics to quotes, and everything else in between.



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20160912_172920 20160912_17443220160912_173236 20160912_174444It seemed like there were hundreds of posters available, and the ones above were only a tiny sample that I remembered to take pictures of and send to my friends (that weren’t in UBC and couldn’t bask in the glory of posters >:D ).

After browsing and browsing for wayy too long, my impulse to want to buy them all increased more and more.

Which was really bad, because this was before I started work for the school year again… goodbye wallet.

I made a list of all the posters I wanted to buy, and told myself that I will only choose one out of all of them, as a gift to myself for surviving my first week of uni (what a lame excuse I know but whatever~). After sleeping on it for a day, I decided to get this one:


If I remember correctly, this one is called London Skyline by Summer Thornton.

I really like blue and I also really like things that involve watercolor, so this poster stood out from all my other potential choices.

Hopefully I won’t regret putting this on my wall a few months down… Too late.

I am proud to say I stopped myself from buying 5+ posters, which is what some of my friends did.  Another one of my friends chose not to buy anything at all, which I thought was way too sensible. Great, now you’re making the rest of us look bad..

I bought the poster on Tuesday, but I liked looking at the posters so much that we ate lunch on the large staircase facing the posters for the rest of the week.

I was looking at all the posters I could’ve bought but did not buy~~ At least I have an addition to my slowly growing wall of posters.

Turns out IMAGINUS does this 2 times a year, once in September and once in January.

Great. Time to set some money aside and figure out what wall space I have…

This time it’ll be a gift to myself for surviving one whole term. (oh wow)

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