democracy! or democracy?

Who Am I?

January 8th, 2011 · No Comments

Hi. My name is Alex Bartlett.

I grew up in the prairies dreaming of warmer winters and bigger hills.
Four years ago, I emancipated myself and moved to the west coast:
I have not looked back.

Academically, I am taking an interdisciplinary program which means that I know a lot about a little: mostly democratization in South-Asia and Latin America, Eastern religion, development, cultural studies and cinema. This class peaked my interest because it appears to provide a bit more of a methodology to explore democracy and what it means.

I like to travel: I have lived in New Zealand and Australia, explored most of the US west coast, hitchhiked across most of Canada, and spent some time off the beaten track in South-East Asia. I plan on moving to Japan next fall when I “finally” graduate.

Most days, I wake up at 6:00 am and practice yoga, I am very health conscious in terms of what I eat and my lifestyle. When I am not doing yoga, there is also breakdancing and Kung fu.

Future aspirations . . . These seem to change pretty regularly. At the moment, I am trying to build the foundation for an organic” super food” import business, but, I also plan on teaching yoga
therapy, getting more involved in community development in Vancouver at some point, and motorcycling through the Himalaya’s.

Nice to meet you!

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