Reappointment 1 (2017)

The following is my CV and Teaching Dossier for reappointment after my first year at UBC. I believe UBC has now changed the tenure clock so that reappointment for all streams occurs after 2 years (ie. 3 year contracts). When I joined UBC in 2016 Educational Leadership (EL) Stream Faculty were on 2-year contracts and thus went up for reappointment after their 1st and 3rd years at UBC. The option was given to switch, but I decided to stay on this same clock to get feedback in my 3rd year rather than moving this to my 2nd year.

Another note on the Teaching Dossier. I would not use the organizing structure in the Teaching Dossier below anymore, and I have since changed the organizing format that I use in order to make it easier for evaluators (in my opinion). You can see the new format with my Teaching Dossier in the Reappointment 2 page (2019).

CV: APSC CV_JVerrett_2017_09_15

Teaching Dossier: Teaching_Dossier_JVerrett_2017_09_15