The Power of A Secret Crush

Its barely been a week and I’ve been bombarded with assignments, pre-readings,essays and OMG ! It is very stressful. Especially if you consider the fact that I spent the last 4 months of summer doing absolutely NOTHING at all.

Ugh ! Way too much stress. Now,you are sitting in your most boring class and you wonder how you are going to spend the next one hour. THEN that cute guy walks into your class. The guy you met at the dining hall/ danced with at the frat/ caught staring at you at IKBLC ,whatever fits your scene. So he walks in and suddenly you are smiling. He gets the seat right next to yours and now you wish this class would never ever get over.

Yup, that’s the power of a “lovvveeee” ( read in sing song fashion ). It turns the world over for that one moment and you are happy again. The sun is shining, its all flowery and fun now ! You finally have something to look forward to! Your assignments look less vicious, your essays look like a way to let out your “love” initiated creativity and you start looking forward to even your most boring class.

Its an amazing, full proof remedy to your first year worries. Go outside,meet some people, and if he/she is worth it, go ahead and have crush on him/her. BUT there is a catch to it. Your crush has to a secret. It has to be your own little secret that no one knows anything about. Its your own key to a happy first year, why would you want to share it ? Well, you could actually tell everyone about it but then again, ” Whats life without quirks ?” ( plus things might get complicated and I have math problems designated to that adjective already ). Try it out. It works.True story !