Finals: What should I eat ?

It’s finals time. My work out level is at an all time low (I don’t even walk to class anymore) and my appetite is at an all time high. Now I have to find a way to stop that waistline from reaching at all time high too. And don’t I have a solution!

1) Eat Five Times A Day– Rather than having 3 massive meals and still munching on something in between because you have nothing else to do, how about you keep munching a little something the entire day. Snack on fruits, bread, strawberry yogurt to dark chocolate.

2) Trade Sweet treats for fruits – I have a sudden sweet tooth during exams. I want tubs of ice creams, cakes, and pies. BUT NO. I shall buy sweet seedless grapes, bananas, apples and pears instead. They can be just as sweet as cake and much much healthier.

3) Trade Candy For Dark Chocolate– Dark chocolate is just yum. and the best part is even dairy intolerant people can have them. And its healthy and curbs hunger. So why not ?

4) Try Smoothies – Meet 0% fat Greek yogurt, milk, banana, and frozen strawberries. They can be your best friends if you let them. Put them into a blender and tada ! You have yourself a mini, super nutritious, drink and snack. If you’re someone that needs to sip on something while studying then this the best that you can get. And the best part is the more you have of it, the better. You can go ahead and be adventurous by switching the strawberries for peaches or peanut butter too!

5) Nuts And Crackers To The Rescue! – I love munching on stuff when I’m studying. It provides that necessary distraction that allows me to study better. I’ll explain that logic in another blog post maybe. But if you like to munch too and Doritos are your usual go to’s, how about you try buying wholewheat crackers instead. Better yet, go buy nuts. They are expensive, but oh so healthy! (you could maybe trade peanuts for peanut butter if you’re as cheap as I am)

This is an interesting website to visit of you want to make your snacking tastier –

Side note – I’m going to get so many practice-what-you-preach looks from all the people who know my actual eating habits now..

EOSC 116

This is my tribute to EOSC 116. EOSC 116 is a class about mesozoic earth. It describes the climate, life and plate tectonic process from the beginning of life to now with a main emphasis on the mesozoic period. Its taught by three different professors. Not only that, the professor in charge of this course has a red hot chilli on rate my prof (Dr Stuart Sutherland)  😉

I loved this class, and it was by far my best class in all of first year. I dont really know why I liked it so much. Maybe it was because I did so well in it or maybe because I loved the professor so much ( he’s got a scottish accent and he’s funny, its kinda hard not to love him ) or because I just happen to love the idea of learning about something so much bigger and older than me- Earth. I think it was combination of all those ideas.

Legend has it, there is a course, a course thats just perfect for you. Each and every class of that course will be nothing but pure enlightenment. It will be so interesting that your phone ,for once in your life, takes second priority to the person speaking to you. Going to that class will actually be like a wonderful one hour of escape from your everyday boring sad life. When the professor wraps up for the day you genuinely don’t want him to stop ! Each lecture gives you goosebumps ( the good kind, not the nasty ones that horror movies give you ).  Every moment you spend studying for that course is just as good as moments spent sleeping or having a social life ( yes, its that good a substitute to having fun). You excel at this course with minimal efforts ( oh yes, I got an A+ and I dont know how ). Its the course that gives you a massive and earth-shattering nerdgasm.

Lucky enough I found mine. It was EOSC 116. (To think I actually was going to drop that course :O ). Learning about life way older than the human race itself, and mass extinction events cast this humbling spell on me. During the various showers I have taken in my life I have often wondered “whats the purpose of life and me?” and this course bought me little closer to my answer. Life is old and strong. Just earths older and stronger . If you reduce earth’s 4.5 billion year history to a year then:

Origin of the Earth: January 1

Oxygen appears July 25

First mammals December 15

Dinosaurs extinct December 26

On December 31st:
Sumerian civilization 11:59:19 PM
Fall of Rome 11:59:49 PM
Galileo 11:59:57 PM
Columbus 11:59:57 PM

Cool huh ? Thank my prof for that analogy.

And like amazing professor Stuart hadn’t already done enough to make this course more likable than a dinner with my friends, ( I need to find more interesting friends #ForeverANerd ) he added the perfect end to the course, almost as if he was poetically and passionately ending a beloved story. We ended with carl sagan’s speech on the pale blue dot. I had tears in my eyes… well not really, but my EOSC 116 end-of-class-clap was the most sincere and loudest of claps.

Here’s a meme on the pale blue dot to cool things down and let your neuron activity subside to the level of normal internet surfing again. “LOL” #Imsocool ( its okay if you say “not”) 😀