What’s In My Bag?

Hey guys! I’ve been on a self-imposed blogging hiatus for the past few weeks due to midterm madness but as of last Wednesday, I am MIDTERM FREE!!!!! (that is, until next term) (and finals are in two weeks)

There are only two more weeks of classes until the end of first term. WAT. I cannot even comprehend that.

I carry either a tote bag or wear a backpack depending on if it’s raining or not. For my post today I’m just gonna walk you through some of the stuff that’s in my school bag. Exciting stuff. Really though, i just needed an excuse to clean/sort through my bag…


  1. Laptop: I generally carry my laptop around with me. First of all, I use it for my computer science classes. Secondly, I study a lot outside my dorm room so I always take my laptop with me.
  2. iPad: I always have my iPad mini with me for the sole reason of reading. Since I have a lot of breaks between classes I like to curl up in one of the big comfy couches in the Harry Potter room in Irving and read. I just finished “Allegiant” by Veronica Roth and am currently reading “The Wolf of Wall Street” by Jordan Belfort.
  3. Planner: OHMYGOSH I think that if I didn’t have my planner my world would just obliterate. Seriously. I write EVERYTHING in my planner, from assignments to events coming up to random reminders. I’m a pretty scatterbrained person so my planner is pretty much my entire life.
  4. Notebooks: I take a lot of notes.
  5. Pencil Case: I take a lot of colorful notes.
  6. Lip Balms: Definitely an everyday must-have for me.
  7. Keys: I love my UBC lanyard- it comes with a clear case that fits two cards so it’s absolutely perfect for holding my UBC ID card, both dorm keys, and my UPass. And it’s pink ♥
  8. iClicker: Even though I only need this for 2 classes, I never take this out of my bag because in the beginning of the year when I did, I would ALWAYS forget to put it back in (scatterbrained) and lose participation points.
  9. Calculator: I’ve had this since high school and even though I have to use those lame calculators for exams that can only add/subtract/multiply/divide I still use my ti-nspire for homework assignments.
  10. Wallet
  11. Cozy Gloves: Baby it’s cold outside. At least I’m not back in Chicago, haha… Apparently it’s snowing there already??? and it’s still mid-40s here in Vancouver.
  12. White-Out: I pretty much only write in pen so I always have a roll of white-out with me wherever I go. I’m kind of an aesthetic perfectionist and it pains me to cross things out…
  13. Gum
  14. Earphones: Walking to class is never the same if I forget my earphones in my room 🙁

Well that’s pretty much it! Clearly I was out of ideas for posts, haha. If you have any questions or suggestions for new blog posts please let me know! Thanks for reading ♥~♥~♥

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