Katy at UBC

My second year at UBC!

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October 19th, 2010 by Katy

OK, so I can now breathe a sigh of relief. My first set of midterms are over. YAY!

I can’t really judge how I fared on the midterms, because I always get really superstitious about my grades. This thing always happens to me where I think I did really well, and then I get my test back and I’m disappointed because I set my expectations too high. However, if I don’t expect too much, then I’m usually (somewhat) ok with the mark I achieved. It’s kind of weird, but that usually happens to me when I get cocky about my mark before I’ve gotten the actual mark.

If that makes any sense at all. haha

So I didn’t have as many midterms (exams) as other people I know, mostly because some of my courses don’t have midterms, only projects and papers. For example, in Visual Arts we had a project we had to hand in that week, and for Arts Studies we had a paper to write. Stuff like that. I only had 2 real exams; one for Sociology, and one for Human Biology.

Sociology Midterm: I was told to study the “big picture” stuff from those who had taken the course before, and they were right. Our profs (Flynn and Ketchell) don’t expect you to memorize the nitty gritty facts, like dates, but they really expect you to understand the material and know how to explain it in detail. For this exam, the multiple choice was pretty tricky, and there were those types of questions that are just frustrating. You know those ones where basically all the answers are right, but you have to choose the one that’s the best? yeah.

Biology Midterm: I’m taking Biol 153 (same as 155 but with a lab) which is meant for dentistry and midwifery students. I’m not really sure why I’m taking this course, because I don’t want to become either, but whatever. The midterm for this course was word-for-word almost exactly the same as the practice exam on the professor’s (Harris’) website. It’s frustrating because I looked that over, and if I get a lot of marks off, I know I’ll be really mad at myself because I’d seen the questions before.

Anyway, I’ll probably update later on more midterm news. (Maybe not if I do really poorly.)


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