epically bloggacious.

Monthly Archives: September 2012

A One Stop Shop for Twitter, Facebook and Other Networking Sites?

SocialFollows is a new social media marketing and management tool based in Yaletown that went live a couple of weeks ago in mid September. Its main purpose is to manage multiple Twitter accounts by scheduling tweets, tracking groups of keywords, and letting users view analytics. With the target market set for any regular person who has multiple accounts, Kyska (cofounder of SocialFollows) compares SocialFollows to HootSuite, a social media tool giant. SocialFollows aims to beat HootSuite in areas of its […]

Business vs. Ethics

   India’s industry and business have grown immensely over the past few decades, and there is no shortage of benefits to do business with India. Low input costs, easy access to labor and a massive consumer base are just a few. However there is a rising question regarding the ethical means of India’s thriving business community. The thing is some people believe that corruption is necessary for growth. For example the 2G Scandal in India 2008 that granted telecommunication licenses on […]

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