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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reflection on the Marketing Plan Assignment

3, 2. 1, ACTION! Upon completion of the last part of the Marketing Plan Assignment, I feel like I’ve gained a variety of valuable knowledge and experience. Unlike other team projects I’ve encountered in the past, this one was not a typical run-of-the-mill in class presentation but a three part assignment ending with a creative 7 minute video creation. I enjoyed making a video to present our ideas instead of a presentation because it allowed me to be more creative, […]

RE: Toby Kwan’s Blog Post “It’s Black Friday Friday Friday”

The title of Toby Kwan’s blog post “It’s Black Friday Friday Friday” is very suiting to the current issue I find is most prominent in the Black Friday promotion commotion. Black Friday is no longer just a one day event, rather, in attempt to cash in on Black Friday sales, stores are now extending Black Friday to three, four, or even five days long. While Toby argues that Black Friday is “not so much an event as a product in […]

RE: Emma Livingston’s Blog Post “Do Seniors Process Information Differently?”

Each generation has different ways they absorb information to make decisions in their lives. Seniors nowadays aren’t the most internet savvy, however more and more are learning. Emma Livingston’s blog, “Do Seniors Process Information Differently?” mentions seniors “are less likely to make decisions based on factual analysis and research first,” and are more likely to respond to emotional factors. Thus, she proposes firms should do some research and appeal to the senior market using “enthusiastic lead users to act as […]

The Monster Within Monster

Negative associations are often found with energy drinks. Common words used to describe energy drinks include “unhealthy,” “unnatural,” “sugary,” and even “toxic.” As if energy drinks did not already have a bad rep, a dead mouse was found at the bottom of one man’s Monster Energy Drink can in Washington. He has filed a lawsuit and has the lab work to prove that the mouse was indeed there in the can before he had opened the drink. Monster refuses to […]

Touch and Purchase?

Sustainability is a growing social trend and it seems companies are trying harder than ever to give its brand a green makeover by creating biodegradable, renewable, and organic products. Consumers are feeling the ethical need to make a switch, however they are still unwilling to pay more and take on risks for the new environmentally friendly products. Are ethical claims from those companies really going to change the consumers mind?   According to a new study from Concordia University’s John […]

Coca Cola’s Grand Promotional Mistake

Coca Cola has always been diligent when it comes to the promotion of its globally known products. Vitamin Water, a popular healthy drink brand by Coca Cola was a part of a contest in which an English word is randomly paired with a French word on each bottles’ cap to collect and create funny sentences. This promotion, although creative, had a problematic issue which caused many loyal consumers to become upset and the public to question the organization’s ethical means. […]

Re: Sandra Pham’s Post “McDonald’s Canada’s social media platform aims to debunk myths”

In Sandra Pham’s blog post about McDonald’s newly launched site “Our Food. Your Questions,” a website that “aims to debunk popular myths about the company and its products by answering consumer inquiries directly,” she argues although McDonald’s could “stamp out false rumors by the masses” because information spreads so rapidly on the internet, it would be difficult to change consumers’ original impressions of the company due to the concept of brand positioning. McDonald’s is known for tasty, cheap and unhealthy fast […]

Re: Christopher Hunter’s Post “Energy Aware and Thoughts on Entrepreneurship”

In Christopher Hunter’s blog post about Janice Cheam‘s presentation the other day in our Comm 101 class, he questions “if the long hours that she put into her product [Energy Aware] was worth it.” For those of you who do not know, Energy Aware is a device that measures energy consumption. As Christopher mentions, “Although Janice spoke of the satisfaction that came from seeing her product come to life, she juxtaposed this with sleepless nights and struggling to pay her […]

RE: Melissa Ng’s Blog “The Hype of Apple Products”

In response to Melissa Ng’s blog, I agree with the fact that people are very inclined to buy a slightly modified, updated version of a trendy product because of human’s nature to keep up with the Jones. It is the want to never be left behind, but an iPhone 5, especially when someone already has an iPhone 4S, is certainly not a necessity. It might feel like a necessity to most though. That is how these companies trick customers into […]

Urgent Request for “Lemon Law” to Protect Consumers and Regulate the Manufacturers

According to Phil Edmonston, author of Lemon-Aids car guide, “the more high-tech cars become, the more lemons you see because there’s so much more to go wrong.” Electronics are especially sensitive to vibrations, extreme temperature fluctuations and moisture which are “what causes [a vehicle’s] lights to fail often or causes a vehicle to stall out.” There are many cases of the sudden stalling of vehicles just after purchase. Not only is it dangerous, it causes mental stress for the consumers […]

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