A One Stop Shop for Twitter, Facebook and Other Networking Sites?

SocialFollows is a new social media marketing and management tool based in Yaletown that went live a couple of weeks ago in mid September. Its main purpose is to manage multiple Twitter accounts by scheduling tweets, tracking groups of keywords, and letting users view analytics.

With the target market set for any regular person who has multiple accounts, Kyska (cofounder of SocialFollows) compares SocialFollows to HootSuite, a social media tool giant. SocialFollows aims to beat HootSuite in areas of its weakness, primarily being the “clean navigation” that SocialFollows prides itself in. Furthermore, SocialFollows differs from other competition sites by its UI-left to right- navigation page. In the future, SocialFollows plans to expand its abilities to posting and interacting with other social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Although tools like SocialFollows and HootSuite may be useful in keeping one’s posting schedule on track, is it really necessary? People like to go on Twitter or Facebook to chat, see what others are up to, and post about their daily activities, but how many are interested in analytics such as how much they had tweeted in the past week?

“The insights section of SocialFollows displays how much you’ve tweeted, among other stats.”

To read full article go to: http://www.straight.com/article-795481/vancouver/geek-speak-matthew-kyska-cofounder-socialfollows

To visit SocialFollows’ Twitter profile for more information: https://twitter.com/SocialFollows

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