epically bloggacious.

Monthly Archives: November 2012

Re: Sandra Pham’s Post “McDonald’s Canada’s social media platform aims to debunk myths”

In Sandra Pham’s blog post about McDonald’s newly launched site “Our Food. Your Questions,” a website that “aims to debunk popular myths about the company and its products by answering consumer inquiries directly,” she argues although McDonald’s could “stamp out false rumors by the masses” because information spreads so rapidly on the internet, it would be difficult to change consumers’ original impressions of the company due to the concept of brand positioning. McDonald’s is known for tasty, cheap and unhealthy fast […]

Re: Christopher Hunter’s Post “Energy Aware and Thoughts on Entrepreneurship”

In Christopher Hunter’s blog post about Janice Cheam‘s presentation the other day in our Comm 101 class, he questions “if the long hours that she put into her product [Energy Aware] was worth it.” For those of you who do not know, Energy Aware is a device that measures energy consumption. As Christopher mentions, “Although Janice spoke of the satisfaction that came from seeing her product come to life, she juxtaposed this with sleepless nights and struggling to pay her […]

RE: Melissa Ng’s Blog “The Hype of Apple Products”

In response to Melissa Ng’s blog, I agree with the fact that people are very inclined to buy a slightly modified, updated version of a trendy product because of human’s nature to keep up with the Jones. It is the want to never be left behind, but an iPhone 5, especially when someone already has an iPhone 4S, is certainly not a necessity. It might feel like a necessity to most though. That is how these companies trick customers into […]

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