RE: Melissa Ng’s Blog “The Hype of Apple Products”

In response to Melissa Ng’s blog, I agree with the fact that people are very inclined to buy a slightly modified, updated version of a trendy product because of human’s nature to keep up with the Jones. It is the want to never be left behind, but an iPhone 5, especially when someone already has an iPhone 4S, is certainly not a necessity. It might feel like a necessity to most though. That is how these companies trick customers into continuously buying its new products, though they already have its older functioning models.

Can you spot the difference?


Companies like Apple rely on these customer behaviors to sell and promote its products. The greatest example is the release of the new iPhone 5. An iPhone 5 is really not much different than the previous iPhone model, the iPhone 4S. At least with previous model updates, there had been significant changes like the addition of features such as camera, front camera, shape, colour and programs like Siri. However, I find there really is no significant change in the iPhone 5 compared to the 4S, except maybe a slightly faster processing speed and a slightly bigger screen. Yet consumers are still willing to “camp outside stores at least 12 hours prior to the product being available for sale.”

It seems ridiculous, but it is just the way consumers behave. I agree with Melissa when she said, “I believe that it is not the product itself that consumers are willing to spend a colossal amount of money on.” It is their inner need to keep up with the Jones.

Melissa Ng’s Blog Site:


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