The Monster Within Monster

Negative associations are often found with energy drinks. Common words used to describe energy drinks include “unhealthy,” “unnatural,” “sugary,” and even “toxic.” As if energy drinks did not already have a bad rep, a dead mouse was found at the bottom of one man’s Monster Energy Drink can in Washington. He has filed a lawsuit and has the lab work to prove that the mouse was indeed there in the can before he had opened the drink. Monster refuses to believe him and has “declined a comment on the lawsuit”. While Monster may escape this lawsuit, can it escape the damage of the bad publicity this news story has done on its consumer trust, loyalty and reputation?



No. It is likely that current consumers and potential buyers who see this story will be permanently disturbed. Personally, after viewing this newscast I am not only permanently turned off by the Monster brand, but by all energy drinks. Perhaps even all canned drinks, and that is just from viewing a video. I cannot imagine what it is like for the man who actually felt the debris from the dead mouth in his mouth.

It is devastating for Monster to have dead mice associated with its brand. Wherever this dead mouse came from, Monster Energy Drink will need to step up in its quality control, as well as making a guarantee to its consumers an incident like this will not happen again. In the marketing mix, its product is the problem. It may be a good idea for Monster to start packaging its products in visible cans or bottles. That way, it can slowly market its product to be trusted by the now disbelieving consumers.




To watch the news video:

If You Still Drink Monster, Get Ready To Never Want Another

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