epically bloggacious.

Monthly Archives: November 2013

RE: Toby Kwan’s Blog Post “It’s Black Friday Friday Friday”

The title of Toby Kwan’s blog post “It’s Black Friday Friday Friday” is very suiting to the current issue I find is most prominent in the Black Friday promotion commotion. Black Friday is no longer just a one day event, rather, in attempt to cash in on Black Friday sales, stores are now extending Black Friday to three, four, or even five days long. While Toby argues that Black Friday is “not so much an event as a product in […]

RE: Emma Livingston’s Blog Post “Do Seniors Process Information Differently?”

Each generation has different ways they absorb information to make decisions in their lives. Seniors nowadays aren’t the most internet savvy, however more and more are learning. Emma Livingston’s blog, “Do Seniors Process Information Differently?” mentions seniors “are less likely to make decisions based on factual analysis and research first,” and are more likely to respond to emotional factors. Thus, she proposes firms should do some research and appeal to the senior market using “enthusiastic lead users to act as […]

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