Decriminalizing Marijuana: What Do You Say, Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau, the son of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, announced last week his desire to become the next leader of the federal Liberal party. After a federal Liberal convention back in January, Trudeau indicated in an interview his opposition towards marijuana legalization, a party policy the Liberals had just adopted. However, Marc Emery claims to have “smoked cannabis with him on more than one occasion,” and for that, Emery “slammed [him] as a ‘fuckin’ hypocrite’.” The reason Trudeau’s viewpoint is of great conflict is because marijuana is commonly used amongst Canadians, (66% of adult Canadians would like marijuana to be legalized), that “if the Liberal party wants to appeal to the majority of Canadians, taking that stand would be a wise thing to do.”  

The issue of the legalization of marijuana has been discussed for too long. Perhaps the best is to stop fighting against it, and adopt ways to use the advantages of cannabis. For example, as local government politicians in BC suggested, Ottawa should study the benefits of taxing and regulating pot.

The New Democrat Party is also struggling to adopt a policy to support decriminalizing cannabis. Trudeau will find himself “out of step” with the Liberals and the Canadians with his stand on marijuana.

Here is an Interview with Justin Trudeau at the 2012 Liberal Convention where he discusses marijuana prohibition.

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