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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Obama vs. Romney: The Second Debate

On October 17th, 2012, President Barack Obama fought back Republican challenger Mitt Romney regarding economy and other domestic issues after the fumbled performance during the first debate. The strongest argument from Mitt Romney was: “if you elect President Obama, you know what you’re going to get — you’re going to get a repeat of the last four years.” Obama defended his policies and forcefully pointed out his Republican rival’s five point plan “is to make sure that folks at the top […]

Decriminalizing Marijuana: What Do You Say, Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau, the son of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, announced last week his desire to become the next leader of the federal Liberal party. After a federal Liberal convention back in January, Trudeau indicated in an interview his opposition towards marijuana legalization, a party policy the Liberals had just adopted. However, Marc Emery claims to have “smoked cannabis with him on more than one occasion,” and for that, Emery “slammed [him] as a ‘fuckin’ hypocrite’.” The reason Trudeau’s viewpoint […]

Where’s the Funding?

As the British Columbia provincial elections are nearing in May 2013, the topic of post secondary education have been on the buzz. BC, a province which used to be the best in accessible PSE systems, is currently competing for the worst. With tuition doubling, cuts in funding, and sky rocketing interest rates on student loans, students find themselves struggling to pay off debt. For this reason, it is of crucial importance that the political parties are stating their plans for […]

Enbridge Northern Gateway: The Future of Nexen Inc.

According to an article published on Huffington Post, Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline representatives have been pressed by lawyers from environmental groups regarding the possibility of Chinese interests buying control of the project. Enbridge predicts that reaching markets in Asia through the Northern Gateway would increase Canada’s GDP by $312 billion over twenty five years. A proposal was made by China’s state run NOOC (Northern Offshore Oil Corporation) for a deal of $15.1 billion to buy Calgary-based oil and gas producer Nexen […]

A One Stop Shop for Twitter, Facebook and Other Networking Sites?

SocialFollows is a new social media marketing and management tool based in Yaletown that went live a couple of weeks ago in mid September. Its main purpose is to manage multiple Twitter accounts by scheduling tweets, tracking groups of keywords, and letting users view analytics. With the target market set for any regular person who has multiple accounts, Kyska (cofounder of SocialFollows) compares SocialFollows to HootSuite, a social media tool giant. SocialFollows aims to beat HootSuite in areas of its […]

Business vs. Ethics

   India’s industry and business have grown immensely over the past few decades, and there is no shortage of benefits to do business with India. Low input costs, easy access to labor and a massive consumer base are just a few. However there is a rising question regarding the ethical means of India’s thriving business community. The thing is some people believe that corruption is necessary for growth. For example the 2G Scandal in India 2008 that granted telecommunication licenses on […]

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